Shift Your Story: Exercise


✨Dreaded working out!

✨Created ALL the excuses (aka STORIES) to not workout like, “no motivation” or needing “more hours in the day.”

Both of these led me to start & quit.

Then I’d beat the $hit out of myself for never being able to stick to anything!

I was creating a cycle.

workout 👉🏼 repeat $hitty stories 👉🏼 quit 👉🏼 stay stuck when I wanted change 👉🏼 try again 👉🏼 repeat stories & cycle


✨I make movement fun, lip syncing & dance parties included.

✨I have a why that fuels me that’s NOT attached to the number on the scale.

✨I learned that motivation is fleeting. I can’t rely on it to create the results I want.

Just because I’m not motivated to do something doesn’t mean that is a sign to skip it.

In fact, the more I showed up for myself (even in tiny increments), the more it became natural for me to want to get up & do it!

I don’t even really think about it now - it’s just part of who I am.

The new story I wrote + making movement fun & meaningful to me created a new habit that serves me.

✨And the was always there, I just had to drop my story to find it.

Yep. The hours in a day weren’t the problem, it was me & my story around time, which impacted how I used my time. I did anything & everything but make space in my schedule for movement.

Can you relate?!

These are just a few that did not serve me when it came to my relationship with my body & movement. I had to rewrite them in order to step into the version of myself I am today. 

And guess what?!!? On May 1️⃣6️⃣, I’m hosting an in person ladies night, Coaching + Cocktails, we’re gonna talk about becoming aware of our stories so we can keep the ones that serve us & work on ditching the ones that don’t! 

Spots are limited. Head here for more info!