Your Worth - The Truth

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“I’m my own worst critic
Talk a whole lot of shit
But I'm a ten out of ten
Even when I forget….
I wonder when I love me is enough…”
-Demi Lovato


It is enough now.💯

We are worthy of that shit TODAY, ladies.
I don’t give a damn what anyone else tells us.
Or what the story is that we are telling ourselves.

We are f’n worthy.


Yes, even with the 45 pounds we want to lose.
Or the thighs that make 🔥 when we do high knees (legit, me during my workout today).
Yes, even with the lose skin. The rolls. And the stretch-marks.

When we learn to stop beating the shit out of ourselves, we can live NOW. We can lay off the pressure to get to the next version of us so damn fast. Pump the brakes, ladies!🛑

We tell ourselves, “I will do (insert what you’re avoiding in life right now) when I feel better about myself.”

That’s us, putting our lives on hold bc we think we will be worthy of living once we hit our goals or become some other version of us.🙅🏼‍♀️

We gotta work on changing the story we are telling ourselves NOW…not WHEN we get to the other side. We have to stop being so damn hard on ourselves & learn to accept who we are in this moment. In this body.

And bc I like you, I’ll give you a little tip: Your thoughts are the only thing holding you back from loving the shit out of yourself RIGHT NOW. NOT your body. And you my friend, are in control of those thoughts. 🤯