Are You a "Good" Mom: Defining That for Ourselves

There’s this unspoken belief that if you’re a good mom, you should be fully present, hands-on, and available 24/7.

Oh and if you happen to also be building a biz/working? Cue ALL the mom guilt.

I have gone through this myself, more than once and it came up last night in a workshop where I was walking women through aligned goal setting.
Am I taking away from my kids? Should I be spending this time with them instead?

A kickass biz building mama said she felt guilty because her goal wasn’t about her kids—it was about her business.

As we chatted, I asked: Is that guilt coming from you… or from outside voices?
She paused, then said, Yeah, it’s definitely external. It’s not actually mine.

We talked about how the two don’t have to be at odds.

She can value time with her family AND the time she spends on her biz. And it’s okay if she knows that working on her biz fills her up in a way that allows her to show up even better—for her kids, her family, and herself.

So I asked her: How is building your business part of being a good mom, for you? Maybe it means showing her kids what’s possible. Modeling that passion & purpose matter. Creating a life where they get to see her fulfilled and still present.

Whether you work, run a business, or stay at home—it doesn’t matter. As moms, we need to get clear on one thing: what does being a “good” mom even mean to you?

Not Instagram. Not the moms you hang out with. Not even your mom. YOU.

At the end of the day, when your head hits the pillow, what makes you feel like you showed up in a way that matters? Maybe it’s snuggling them before bed.

Maybe it’s putting your phone down during dinner. Maybe it’s just being there when they need you, even if the whole day felt chaotic.

There is no checklist for motherhood. It’s not all-or-nothing. And you get to define what “doing alright” as a mom looks like—on your terms.

Here are 6 questions to help you gain clarity on what being a ‘good’ mom means to YOU—whether you’re an entrepreneur, work outside the home, or stay home.🩷