Who doesn’t love a good throwback to see just how far you have come?!
We have this tendency to look back at old pictures & write out ALL the things the person we are TODAY would have said to THAT girl…but that time is gone. I mean, we are HERE! We can’t go back & change the past.
So why not think about (& act on) what our future self would want for us RIGHT NOW, in this moment. Today.
Would it be….
✨Know that you are WHOLE all by yourself, you don’t need anyone else to complete you. Jerry McGuire lied.😂
✨Know who you TRULY are, without the job, without the kids, without the spouse. KNOW YOU!
✨Know your values. Honor that shit.
✨Move your body more.
✨Eat like you give a damn.
✨But also, enjoy the 🍰 . Guilt free.
✨Show up authentically. Be true to you.
✨Take time each day for you!
✨Invest in yourself. You are worth it.
✨Never stop learning.
✨Love yourself more.
✨Stop looking for validation from others - you are enough.
✨Set goals. And crush them.
✨Don’t let fear hold you back. Fear is a LIAR!
✨Serve & add value to others. You have so much to give.
✨It is ok to ask for help.
✨Change is OKAY!
✨What success looks like is up to you - no one else.
✨Don’t let others opinions hold you back.
✨That dream you have…go for it.
✨Let go of shit you can’t control - focus on what you can.
✨Get outside of your comfort zone more often, that is when you grow.
✨Make the hard decision because it will be the BEST decision.
✨Practice gratitude.
✨Smile more. Laugh A LOT.
✨Don’t settle.
What is something on this list that your future self would tell you??👇🏼👇🏼