Round 2...Week 3ish, almost end of 4!
I am totally behind on my weekly blog updates on this round of Hammer & Chisel but that's ok, we can just consider this my "throwback thursday" post for the day since I wanted to share how much better this round is going anyways!
We started round 2 on Feb 29th, we are currently 25 days in, 31 more to go. But who is counting...I mean, not me, obviously.
I am down 5.8 lbs, I know there are some inches gone but I haven't gotten up early enough in the morning for us to go through the measuring process yet....but what speaks to me the most is these pictures (minus my face in the bottom left and my eye in the bottom right, who am I winking at so early in the morning?)
My clothes are looser, even my pajama tank tops that were tight are loose! I have less bloat in my belly. I can feel some serious oblique action and my ass is almost...ALMOST rock solid.
I am seeing so much more definition throughout my body and I just feel stronger. The Performance Line has been amazing! I can tell by using both the recover and recharge that I am not as sore the next day so I can push harder in my workouts. Also I still love my energize to get me going before a workout and my hydrate to replace my electrolytes during my workout so I don't get dehydrated and tired!
And for those who are wondering, no, I still have not had a single cheat in 25 days. No wine, no bites of the kids food. I MAY have smelled Mason's breakfast the other morning, but I didn't eat it.
I really just changed my mindset this time around. In round 1 I was allowing myself to freak out over the fact that this program is 8 weeks without my favorite things (wine/ and I kept thinking since the workouts were more intense, a little cheat here and there would not hurt.
Once Autumn called me out on her post one night about being 99% committed to the eating plan, I got my act together. I started telling myself, I CAN DO THIS, it is only 8 weeks. I want results. I am still a work in progress and in order to see a change, I have to make a change. I WANT this. The mind really is a powerful thing and it will believe what you tell it so make sure to feed it what you WANT and not what you think you can't do....because whether you think you can or you think you can't, you are right!
The pictures with my hair in a headband are Feb 29th, the others are today, 25 days into the program.
Week 3 Meal Plan