Week 1 is in the books. And I think I have found my new favorite program! I know, I know, I say that with every program (well, almost every) we release but this one is different.
You know when nothing is pulling you out of a funk? When you feel like you are in a rut, overly stressed and just need a change of pace? Yeah...that is how I felt before this program. I needed something to boost my energy, my mood and relieve some stress in my life!
Core De Force has reminded me how badass I can feel after a workout. It is forcing me to do things I wouldn't have done before and proving that I am capable of doing hard things, in a different way than other programs have in the past.
It is also making me reconsider getting my son back into some type of Mixed Martial Arts since I am seeing first hand how it can impact your mood and confidence.
Ok, so let me give you some insight into week 1!
There is plenty of food and you don't have to eat boring, bland meals...the nutrition plans allows you to eat foods you love in the portions that are fit for your body type and specific goals. Food is fuel, so this meal plan is the perfect compliment to keep you energized for this program!
My meals and snacks for the week looked a little something like this....
Ok, ok..so the Halo Top isn't really a part of the program BUT that is a win for me, I mean I could have gone to Andy's for some frozen custard, but I didn't...because GOALS! I ate the proper serving amount only on days where I had extra containers left in my meal plan, trust me, it wasn't every night, although I could totally tear up some ice cream every night. I have a major sweet tooth and Halo Top really let's me fulfill it without the guilt!
I don't feel deprived...I mean, I miss my wine, don't get me wrong but I can wait until Thanksgiving to enjoy it. It will be worth it...even though as I type this, my son is driving a remote control car in circles on my hardwood floor while his sister runs around with pink eye, touching everything and I could totally down the entire bottle of wine from last month's wine of the month club sitting in my fridge....but I won't. I promise.
Here is my meal plan, there may have been some slight changes throughout the week but I still stayed on track. Saturday, I was out and about so I ate Crazy Bowls for lunch instead of what was planned, no carb, extra veggies...it was so good!
Like I said before, this program is amazing because it does so much more than provide physical changes, but those are fun so here is my week 1 stats....
I am down 2 pounds and 5.5 inches and Aaron is down 3.5 pounds and 4 inches.
I have been told by MANY people in the test group for this program that 1) this is a program where you will see and feel a ton of non scale victories and 2) don't get discouraged because a lot of the magic happens in week 3.
I am happy with my week 1 progress and I am ready to kickass in week 2!
Less bloat, oh and my thighs and ass are smaller.
In one week, Aaron gained new shoes. Hehe.
Here is a peek into my favorite workout, MMA Shred. Well, it may be my favorite because it is only 25 minutes and you burn some major calories and sweat like a pig....but that is besides the point. Oh and it is fun. Like, legit, fun.
I am not sure I would make it through these workouts without my Energize before or my Hydrate during. They are lifesavers for me. The Energize gives me the swift kick in the ass that I need early in the morning and the Hydrate replaces electrolytes in my body as I sweat, unlike water.
Oh and this program definitely leaves you sore...so I am thankful for my Recover after each workout too, it helps to lessen the severity of my soreness. BUT, I still feel it...my body was sore in new places too. I felt like I had been punched in the gut, my arms were jelly from all the punches and push ups and my quads and ass were on fire when I took the steps. I am totally ok with that though, it means that it is working.
A little side note: When people are sore, they tend to skip workouts, NO. Don't! Push through it, sore muscles burn more calories and in the end your results will be better.
We did a total of 6 workouts this week. They ranged from 25-45 minutes. They were a mix of upper body and Muay Thai workouts that focus on the core.
There were also some total body workouts mixed in throughout the week that are MMA inspired. The total body ones were a little more difficult for me so I did do more modifications but I will work my way into the full moves as I learn and grow each week!
No equipment, just your hot bod.
Alright loves, thanks for stopping by....more to come on CDF.
And for those of you that are reading this that commented on my food pic from earlier, don't worry, I will get your burger up on the blog recipe tomorrow!
PS - if you want more info on this program or the application to join my Exclusive Test Group, click here!