Gah, I can't believe how quickly 30 days went by...I was REALLY worried when we started this program, just like any other person would be during the holidays. I set a goal for myself though and I reminded myself of that goal before we started. I also continuously reminded myself of it during the program. I promise it really does help to tell yourself, yes, out loud, what it is you want to achieve and what that looks like to you once you achieve it.
My goal was to keep my shit together until Turkey Day, no wine, limited eating out and limited sweets. Wine and treats were allowed on Thanksgiving but then it was back in the saddle until Day 30!
Now, I can't say everyday went as planned, I wasn't perfect every day BUT I did pretty damn good. I indulged in some Halo Top but only on days where I had sufficient containers left...even though there isn't really a Fix container that is specific to Halo Top. LOL. It kept me from rummaging through Halloween Candy or wanting to go out and get frozen custard (my weakness). So having a low calorie, low sugar, high protein ice cream was a win to me.
I did have 2 sick days in week 4 which meant I missed 2 of my workouts and it was really hard for me to just skip them and continue on with whatever workout was next on the calendar but that is what is suggested if you miss a day, so I rolled with it...during the time I was sick, food was hit or miss for me too.
Food: I was technically supposed to be in the lowest bracket for food HOWEVER I had previously plateaued in that bracket because I had done it so many times. My goal was to do the second bracket and increase my calories to break that plateau BUT I think given this was a new program and not one I was repeating, I probably should have done the lower bracket. I plan on giving bracket 1 a try when we start our next round. I am not sure how much being in the 2nd bracket vs the 1st impacted my results but I am still happy so there is no complaining from me!
This was a sample of my meal plan, however this was week 2, in week 2, everyone gets an extra fruit to help keep your body fueled as you burn more calories. Gotta keep that metabolism going!
Workouts: I loved (LOVE, still do) them. They are challenging. The MMA workouts were my favorite, I loved the feeling when I nailed a combo and could rock it. There are some other workouts that focus more on power and strength but mixed with Muay Thai inspired moves, those were harder for me, hence why they are not my favorite! They are definitely more challenging for me and I am hoping in round 2 I can nail some of the technique with the moves in those workouts.
Either way, when you do these workouts, it doesn't matter it is day 10 or day 30, you can ALWAYS ALWAYS do more to improve and challenge yourself, that means you can burn more calories and shred more fat as you progress in the moves.
And if it is still hard, even on day 30, MODIFY! I am not ashamed to use the modifier. In fact, sometimes I had to modify a move that was modified...take that in for a second, LOL. But that is ok, I will get better with time.
Performance Line: I personally used our Performance Line with this program. I don't use it with every program but our pre-workout (Energize) really helped me push through my workouts and give it my all. The Hydrate is amazing during the workout, because unlike water, it replaces electrolytes in my body as I lose them...simply put, it is amazing. And my post-workout (Recover) definitely saved me from being insanely sore the next day.
Again, this is another program where I get to eat the foods I love, but work a little harder to push towards my goals by cutting out the extra fluff I don't NEED like wine (haha, who am I kidding) and treats.
I am starting another round on Monday with Aaron and I am super excited. I AM going to be a little more lenient this time around with my meal plan. I will stick to it but on days where I have happy hours planned, I will be swapping some yellows for wine, for sure! 'Tis the season for wine, right?! ready?
Let me preface by saying, Aaron and I really let ourselves get a little lax this summer after Hammer & Chisel. We rocked it, then went on a cruise and enjoyed summer (to say the least), so it feels good to be back on the path to reaching my goals for my body.
My results:
-3.2 lbs
-7.5 inches
This mama's, this is the area I wanted to work on the most and these changes in just 30 days make me so freaking happy! I can't wait to see what 60, 90 or even 120 days does for my belly!
-6.9 lbs
-4.25 inches
There you have it folks. Another program we have fallen in love with...this definitely ranks high in my top 3 of the programs I have completed. It may even be #1, but it is so hard to replace my beloved 21 Day Fix, after all, it was THE game changer for me. So maybe a close 2nd.
Now, excuse me while I go find a place in my hotel to order a drink while I wait for Aaron so we can eat our way through Vegas and then come home to kick some more Core De Force ass on Monday! If you want to join me, message me on Facebook or comment below!