Week 2 done, yes, I know I am a a few days behind in posting this but things have been a little hectic over here! I am still in love with this program, it challenges me in a new way everyday...I find myself wanting to push harder, to try the non modified move (although it doesn't always work) and make it until the bell rings.
I will say it again, Core De Force has reminded me how badass I can feel after a workout.
Ok, so for the week 2 down low:
Same as before: there is plenty of food and you don't have to eat boring, bland meals...the nutrition plans allows you to eat foods you love in the portions that are fit for your body type and specific goals. Food is fuel, so this meal plan is the perfect compliment to keep you energized for this program! Also, during week 2, you get an extra fruit on your meal plan. So my meal plan calls for 3 a day, I bumped up to 4. And to be honest, that was hard to get in somedays!
We also went out to dinner, Aaron and I shared a burger, I got a salad as my side. But seriously, look at this food...this is not a diet, this is food you can eat and enjoy for a lifetime!
The only thing that is missing is my wine...but the time will come to incorporate that back in to my lifestyle, like on Thanksgiving, HA! Who can go to Turkey Day and not drink?! But in all seriousness, I have goals that I want to reach, so I can do without the wine for now!
I did have Halo Top 2 nights in week 2 but only if I had containers that were leftover, again, gotta keep my sweet tooth under control. And if I got in my extra fruit each day, it was some grapes!
Week 2 definitely was more about physical changes for us, pictures said more than the scale...which is ok, the scale is not what determines success! Both of our bellies have definitely leaned out and Aaron's abs are popping through in areas he has never seen them before! I would call that a win! His after pic (on the right) was on Day 13!
Here is a peek into one of our workouts from week 2, MMA Power, it was new and more complex but after doing it a second time, the combos made more sense and I was able to push harder. This video is the first day we did it, so you can see my concentrating and correcting myself (Aaron did the same) when I mess up a combo...that is what I mean, there is always room to improve with this program!
Again, I am not sure I would make it through these workouts without my Energize before or my Hydrate during. They are lifesavers for me. The Energize gives me the swift kick in the ass that I need early in the morning and the Hydrate replaces electrolytes in my body as I sweat, unlike water.
Oh and this program definitely leaves you sore...so I am thankful for my Recover after each workout too, it helps to lessen the severity of my soreness. BUT, I still feel it...my body was sore in new places too. I felt like I had been punched in the gut, my arms were jelly from all the punches and push ups and my quads and ass were on fire when I took the steps. I am totally ok with that though, it means that it is working.
Alright, that is it for week 2! Hopefully I get week 3 up sooner than I did week 2. ;)
PS - if you want more info on this program or the application to join my Exclusive Test Group, click here!